a journal of a researcher

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Promote My Workshop

I am organizing a Workshop on Service Oriented Techniques at ICEC06 with Dr. Liangjie Zhang from IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Below is CFP:

Call for Papers

Service oriented techniques are used for building software applications that use services available in a network such as the Web. The driving forces come from both the software engineering community and the e-business community. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) promotes loose coupling between software components so that interoperability across programming languages and platforms can be achieved. Extending the classic middleware functions, SOA techniques incorporate the demands of e-business by adding process modelling and management functions. The description of services covers not only software interfaces but also semantic business information. Services can be dynamically discovered and composite services can be built from aggregates of other services.

The aim of the SOT workshop is to present recent research findings on service oriented techniques. We welcome papers from both academia and industry. We especially invite submissions based on theoretical foundations or innovative industrial projects. Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following:

* Formal methods for service modelling and computing
* Dynamic selection and composition of services/applications
* Dynamic coordination of services/applications
* Managing and monitoring services/applications
* QoS-enabled services/applications
* Data integration of distributed services
* Selection and interaction among services
* Context-aware services/applications
* Performance evaluation of middleware for service-oriented computing
* Semantic Issues in service integration
* Combinations of Semantic Web technology with Web Services
* Innovative applications

Submission Guidelines
Papers must be submitted in either Word or PDF, according to the ACM Proceedings Format
(http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html). Maximum length is 8 pages. Submissions by
email to Yuhong.yan@nrc.gc.ca. Papers will be reviewed by qualified reviewers from the program
committee as below. The proceedings will be published by the Press of Canadian National Research
Council. The selected paper will be published by the Journal of Business Process Integration and
Management and/or the Journal of Computational Intelligence.

Important Dates

Electronic paper Submission deadline: April 15, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2006
Workshop Date: August 13, 2006
Main Conference Dates: August 14-16, 2006

Delta Hotel, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

Workshop website: http://icec06.net/WorkshopsAndTutorials/SOT/SOT-Web.htm
ICEC06 http://icec06.net/

Dr. Yuhong Yan (National Research Council, Canada)
Dr. Liang-Jie Zhang (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)

Program Committee

Lilina Ardissono (University of Torino, Italy)
Virendra Bhavsar (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
Hong Cai (IBM Research, China)
Luba Cherbakov (IBM Global Service, USA)
William Cheung (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China)
Weichang Du (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
Ephraim Feig (Kintera Inc., USA)
Chiara Francalanci (Politechnique of Miliano, Italy)
Ali Ghorbani (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
Anna Goy (University of Torino, Italy)
Patrick Hung (University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada)
Mihhail Matskin (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Yannick Pencole (LAAS-CNRS, France)
Claudia Picardi (University of Torino, Italy)
Jinghai Rao (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Weiming Shen (NRC-IMTI, Canada)
Michael Sintek (DFKI, Germany)
Andy Ju An Wang (Southern Polytechnic State University, USA)
Jia Zhang (Northern Illinois University, USA)
Leon Zhao (University Of Arizona, USA)

Monday, February 13, 2006

How to get more citations?

Daniel coments that citation is more important than the number of paper. I am thinking how to get more citations:
1. you need to chase the trends, because people pay more attention to the trendy topics.
2. you need to be accepted by the major circles, ie. appear at the major places so that related people could see your papers.
3. Well written so that people can understand and repeat.
4. Simple. A difficult paper is rejected because none understands

Unfortunately, my old papers are published at non-mainstream places, because when I was in China, I did not know the major places and I did not speak as the major places speak. My best new paper is not well cited, because nobody follows our path yet.

So finally research is research. Not about the criteria of research. If your research is at the critical path of evolution, your work will be cited. But how many of us think if our topic is at the critical path of evolution? It is a too costly problem to think about. Even if you figure it out, it is beyond your capacity to research.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Who has over 100 papers in DBLP

I need to organize a workshop. Through searching my PC member, I found many researchers have numerous papers indexed by DBLP. Here is some of them:

Serge Abiteboul (INRIA-Paris, France) (182)

Ling Liu, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA (150)

Stanley Su, (University of Florida, USA (132)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a bunch of emerging Web techniques that are believed at the evolution path of Web. See the O’Reilly article on Web 2.0. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

The comparison of Web 1.0 (left) and Web 2.0 (right):

DoubleClick --> Google AdSense
Ofoto --> Flickr
Akamai --> BitTorrent
mp3.com --> Napster
Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
personal websites --> blogging
evite --> upcoming.org and EVDB
domain name speculation --> search engine optimization
page views --> cost per click
screen scraping --> web services
publishing --> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness --> syndication

One of my colleague proposes Web 3.0 in a recent contest of research proposals.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Modeling intelligence

What we did with monotonicity analysis, for me, is knowledge abstraction. Different from learning, which is hard to link to existing knowledge, model abstraction has to link to domain knowledge and more important, it has to show its correctness in problem solving. Different from learning, it is to build model from numerical data. Different from parameter recognition, it has to explain the principle of the physical system. I hope it can open a new era for knowledge representation, discovery and modeling. This brings me to machine learning and data mining.

Formal modeling and model based reasoning

I think I will build my specialty in modeling using formal methods, and modeling with model abstraction, modeling vs. problem solving. I need to improve my skill in formalization and algorithm design.

Distributed intelligence

Intelligent computing in distributed systems, including distributed diagnosis

25 years AAAI

In the spring of 1980, AAAI was formed by Raj Reddy. Ever since, AI becomes a formal scientific community, despite the arguments on the name of AI. The ultimate goal of AI is to build habile system that can replace human being’s intelligence. At beginning era of AI, it is related to physics, physiology and psychology. Now, people are more coming from computer science. Many people’s goal is not to replace human being, but to aide/help human being’s intelligent activity. This is the notion of “weak AI”.

For any sciences, if they are at the key points of human’s progressing path that these points are not avoidable, then these sciences are important ones. Is AI on such a critical path? I do not know. But the goal of AI is so fantastic that it attracts me more than any other branches of science.

From beginning of AI to now, the lasting topics are:
1) knowledge representation
2) reasoning
3) language understanding
4) learning
5) perceptions and actions

What can I contribute to this domain is what makes me thinking. As a researcher, you can’t always follow the old tracks. If you can establish new areas, you will be a great researcher. So it is about what question you ask. In this era, the application is Internet.