The Summary of my staying in IRISA
My blog is like my tourism photo album in recent months. I am concreting on some theoretical problems, so it is not interesting to read. Now it is time to leave, what I did in the past three months:
Scientific discussion:
Study of Model-based Diagnosis on Web Service
Monotonicity Analysis for ECG Data
Presentation given:
“Web Services: from Middleware to Process Integration”, a brief introduction of Web service and our work in Web services.
“Scale-based Monotonicity Analysis”, our research on scale-based monotonicity analysis and its usage in qualitative modeling and data mining. It is based on two papers we published in this topic.
Attend conferences
I attended CSCWID conference in Coventry in May 23-27.
Paper submission during my stay:
Yuhong Yan, Yannick Pencol, Marie-Odile Cordier and Alban Grastien, “Monitoring Web Service Networks in a Model-based Approach”
Daniel Lemire, Martin Brooks and Yuhong Yan, “An Optimal Linear Time Algorithm for Quasi-Monotonic Segmentation”
Book chapter:
Yuhong Yan, Matthias Klein, “A Comparison ebXML vs. Web Service”
Affairs with Fredericton
NSERC05 intention letter
E-Conservatoire project meetings
Discuss with my master students about their research
Students attending ICWS, Ed-media, UNB CS expo
Scientific discussion:
Study of Model-based Diagnosis on Web Service
Monotonicity Analysis for ECG Data
Presentation given:
“Web Services: from Middleware to Process Integration”, a brief introduction of Web service and our work in Web services.
“Scale-based Monotonicity Analysis”, our research on scale-based monotonicity analysis and its usage in qualitative modeling and data mining. It is based on two papers we published in this topic.
Attend conferences
I attended CSCWID conference in Coventry in May 23-27.
Paper submission during my stay:
Yuhong Yan, Yannick Pencol, Marie-Odile Cordier and Alban Grastien, “Monitoring Web Service Networks in a Model-based Approach”
Daniel Lemire, Martin Brooks and Yuhong Yan, “An Optimal Linear Time Algorithm for Quasi-Monotonic Segmentation”
Book chapter:
Yuhong Yan, Matthias Klein, “A Comparison ebXML vs. Web Service”
Affairs with Fredericton
NSERC05 intention letter
E-Conservatoire project meetings
Discuss with my master students about their research
Students attending ICWS, Ed-media, UNB CS expo