a journal of a researcher

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Some truths a student may not know

Students come and go in a university. However, many students do not know how the university works beyond their classroom and courses. The undergraduate students do not know that my teaching counts only 40% of my work load. They probably surprised that I have projects worth a million dollars to run. And I have another group of graduate students to supervise.

The graduate students may not know that I am also evaluated by the student papers published and the number of the students I graduate. It is not used to evaluate my research capacity, but to evaluate how well I can supervise graduate students. When I apply funding, my graduates’ performance is an important indicator, because the money goes to the students largely, not to me or equipment. In my research, we just need a PC most of the time.

So, if my students do not work well, I am upset. I work for them, but they lay me done.


  • Good post. All true.

    (Though we sometimes need a bit more than a PC for research...)

    By Blogger Daniel Lemire, at 9:32 AM  

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